
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Joe (James Wolk) is rushing to attend his college commencement ceremony when he bumps into another grad named Amy (Natalie Martinez). He is drawn to her, but after the ceremony, when he has a chance to get her number, he hesitates. In that moment, Joe has three clear choices, choices that will lead to three pathways in his life.

    The action jumps to ten years later. Each of the three pathways becomes a story. The events of each story are concurrent though they exist in three different realities. Each of the stories is associated with a color theme, to help the viewer follow the interwoven stories. In the blue story, Joe is a cop. In the green story, he is a nurse. And in the red story, he is a successful musical performer.

    As the stories develop, an unusual romantic triangle develops between Joe, Amy, and Joe's former best friend, Jenny (Elizabeth Lail). And the triangle spans the three stories.

    It is really interesting when one story informs another, providing background information that the characters are not aware of in their realities. In the end, this is a series about the choices we make and their consequences. There are many possible paths for these interlocking stories to take. It will be interesting to see where the writers take them. Will fate be the overriding theme, so no matter which choice one takes, there is a similar outcome? Or will free will win the day, with each story remaining the product of Joe's choices?

    Because of its unique narrative, the writing feels like the dominant aspect of the show. The acting is good. And Joe is a likable guy who tries, in each reality, to be a good person.