• Warning: Spoilers
    Telefon is one of the best films of 1977.

    It has everything from brainwashing, betrayal, mistrust and a beautiful female blonde in the shape of Lee Remick.

    The script is well written, and the interplay between Charles Bronson and Lee Remick is one of the best double acts ever seen in a film.

    There relationship to begin with, is not a successful one. Bronson's character is cold, cautious and detached, while Remick's character is feisty and sassy.

    Miss Remick looks gorgeous disguised as a nurse, in which she is about to kill one of the KGB sleepers, who is in a coma, in a private hospital ward.

    Donald Pleasence's performance as the rouge KGB agent, who sets off the human time bombs, is chilling and menacing. Both Mr Bronson's and Mr Pleasence's performances in this film, is so far removed from the roles they played in The Great Escape.

    Alan Badel gives an excellent performance as the KGB General who sends Charles Bronson off on his mission. The late great Mr Badel plays his character with charm and decent authority. Both his and Miss Remick's performances in this movie, is so very different to the parts they both played in the next film they made together shortly after Telefon. That film was The Medusa Touch.

    The heads of CIA and there female computer analyst, would be better off in an American television situation comedy series. The reason is because they are comical, and they don't come across as being taken seriously.

    The action scenes are good and not over the top.

    Watch it and enjoy it.