• This is very nicely shot and has some great Scottish scenery, but it has a fatal flaw: none of the main characters is even vaguely believable as an awkward 18 year-old. Casting extremely attractive uber-confident twenty-somethings as shy withdrawn teenagers can sometimes work (e.g. Derry Girls) but more often than not it's just ridiculous.

    The acting from the leads is pretty ropey (though some of the supporting cast aren't quite so bad) and the script is terrible. Almost no plot, nobody acts in even a vaguely believable way, pacing is all over the place, lots of montages. It seems very much like they shot someone's first draft; there's the beginnings of a story here, and with some serious rewriting maybe the script could have been knocked into some sort of shape.

    Would give this about a minus ten if I could.