• Warning: Spoilers
    I was really looking forward to this movie as after Gaga's amazing performance in A Star is Born I was really eager to see her future performances.

    House of Gucci has good things and bad things, let's start with the positive things: 1. Lady Gaga's performance as Patrizia Reggiani is wonderful. She's an amazing actress, her expressions, accent and mannerisms were on point. It sure feels like she did her research very well because she always seemed really on character and she was always 100% believable. She was a delight to watch on screen and should be able to get nominated for the Oscars and Golden Globes.

    2. Salma Hayek and Jared Leto do an amazing job as supporting actors and even though their talent is mainly used (and to be honest a little wasted) to be the comedic reliefs, they are entertaining to watch on screen and they will keep you entertained. The movie's comedy is always on point and well-done.

    3. The costumes don't disappoint. All the looks but especially (of course) Gaga's and Adam Driver's looks are always amazing and really great to look out.

    4. The story, even though it's told with several plotholes and several things explained in a poor way manages to entertain you through the almost 3-hour length.

    Now with the negative aspects.

    1. The length of the movie is really unnecessary. I feel like they could have done a better job making it a little shorter, the editing is not that good. A lot of scenes could have been deleted and I don't think anything would have really changed as the pace is really bad. Some acts of the movie are really long and others feel so rushed and this is the kind of movie that needs your whole attention at all times, otherwise you will be lost and asking what just happened.

    2. I feel like they left out several key moments of the story. I'm happy I knew the whole story before watching the movie, because if you don't know it you won't really know how some things happened as the movie does a bad job explaining (or totally avoiding) several key moments. For example I would have loved to see the aftermath of what happened after Maurizio was shot. I found the ending very rushed. It would had been awesome to see the police investigating and realizing that Patrizia was behind everything. The ending feels very meh because you don't get to see anything of that. Really hoping they shot some of that and they include it as deleted scenes on the Blu Ray release.

    Overall I do think House of Gucci is enjoyable but the amazing cast saves the movie more than once because the pace and editing are bad. I managed to be entertained the whole time but I feel like the regular moviegoer will find it very long and boring.