• Warning: Spoilers
    THis is one of the weirdest cop buddy movies I've seen.

    This movie starts with being the usual fluff cop film that we know from the 80's: Veteran cop who doesn't give a damn about orders and is a know-it-all gets a new partner. New partner is of course the complete oppposite of veteran cop, so we spent half the movie of them getting to like each other.

    And to be honest the first half of this movie is actually quite decent, the two cops bond slowly and naturally together, not over a shoot-out or a life-threatening situation where one guy saves the other. No, it's a fairly simple thing like the love of motorcycles.

    Little details like this is what made the movie grow. But somewhere along the lines the writers pull out a jackhammer and the plot gets very outlandish with cartoon villains that are supposed to be Germans but look like Colombians.

    At the same time the movie decides to take a deep dive into the psyche of the rookie cop and goes full-Taxi Driver. Something completely out of the left field. The scene in itself is quite entertaining, it's just that it feels like we're watching a completely different movie suddenly.

    The tone is all over the place.

    Mild spoilers: Even the title "The Rookie" hints that the movie's focusing on Charlie Sheen's character but the movie spends equal amounts of time. But during the third act both cops get seperated and everyone is on their own adventure. The conseqences of their action's feel disjointed, but it doesn't matter since we're eventually rushed through the showdown. And this one is dragged out into three set pieces. Again, all by itself those action set pieces work but they feel clumsily stitched together.

    This whole movie feels like a bunch of good ideas thrown into the wall and see what sticks. Too bad, because Eastwood and Sheen have a very unique chemistry in the beginning but it is all blown into smithereens later on.