• I decided to watch this movie, expecting a good movie, with some revisionist history. Instead, I was presented what seemed to be a hastily made film that was just cheap propaganda.

    The movie begins after McCain crashed six planes and almost single-handedly sunk a carrier. But that's forgivable because the movie was meant to be a story of his captivity.

    Being loyally based on McCain's own version of events, the film glosses over McCain's actual radio broadcast, when he apologizing to Hanoi for America's aggression. That's not heroism, but treason. His recorded statement has no similarity to the statement presented in the film.. It is simply made up. And his voice doesn't shake in the real recording.

    Okay, about the technical qualities of the film: the horror intended to be portrayed in the movie just seems contrived; the acting is abysmal, despite an impressive cast, and most of the acting gets lost by quick cut-aways, allowing the actor 10 seconds to achieve his craft.

    All in all, Markle's direction is just a complete failure, producing a movie not worth watching, and leaving the audience wondering why this film was made in the first place.