• It may not shine as bright as his best or most memorable works- but The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent does serve as an entertaining showcase for Nicolas Cage fans and provides a odd enjoyment for anyone who will soon learn the name. I'll be honest, I think I expected way too much from this movie, which I know can sound quite ridiculous. It just seemed a bit unremarkable at times, and considering how exuberant and charismatic Cage is and has been throughout his career- I just thought it would be a bit more. Nevertheless, the film is perfectly enjoyable as it is. A lot of the comedy works here, and the third act is packed with fun action energy that feels like it came straight out of the 90's- honestly my favorite element of the film in general. The first two acts can struggle to find a consistent tone throughout, shifting between the solemn woes of our fateful protagonist, comedy excess, and a CIA side plot. It doesn't always work, and it can feel a bit clunky, shifting its tone to less enjoyable levels, but it's certainly never boring to watch and always manages to keep the audience's attention. I loved the relationship between Cage and Pascal's character Javi and really wish the film would have focused more on that rather than the other subplots of the film at times. I enjoyed the cinematography and the cast is all excellent, I just feel the film needed a bit of a kick in one specific direction. In the end, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is far from bad, but not as great as some may claim. It can serve as a fun showcase for Cage fans at times, but can be a bit too clunky to carry its story in a consistent way. Nevertheless, the film is still entertaining through and through and Cage's eccentric performance and charisma with Pascal on screen truly allow the film to stand out as a whole.

    My Rating: 6.1/10.