• Warning: Spoilers
    Ben Shockley is well on his way to becoming a derelict cop when he is assigned to transport a witness named Gus Mally from Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Mally turns out to be a prostitute with mob ties and incriminating information regarding a high-placed figure.

    Shockley's suspicions are aroused and the betting line against Mally testifying begins to climb when Mally's house is literally shot to pieces.

    The pair must face the truth about those they trust, as they fight their way to Phoenix, finally using an armoured bus to run a gauntlet of hundreds of police armed with high-powered weaponry......

    The Gauntlet is probably one of the easiest films to watch. It's a great concept that has been copied numerous times, but with Eastwood on Dirty Harry lite mode, and also directed by him, this was one of his more fun films from the seventies.

    Locke and Eastwood obviously have great chemistry, and the banter between them is enough to rival that of Midnight Run, another film heavily influenced by this.

    Cars get blown up, Eastwood gets seven shades kicked out of him, he looks really cool on a motorbike, and doesn't give a hoot when 100+ cops are firing at him whilst he's on his modified bus.

    It's short simple, and pretty tense as they get nearer to their destination.

    It's a pretty good tonic to a bad day.