• Warning: Spoilers
    It's been said that this "isn't" a love story.

    Well, that can be true....if you look at love through eyes of someone very young. People in love (and I mean really in love) who want to be together "forever", have to do a lot more than hold hands, kiss and "play" together.

    This movie demonstrates that beautifully, starting the story at when they've been together 10 years or so and shifting back and forth. A little confusing if you've never seen the movie but it's easy to adapt too.

    Joanna and Mark meet on the road, he's traveling alone getting rides where he can and she's with a touring choir, (I'm guessing in 1957) when she's 18 and maybe he a bit older).

    Mark's been in one relationship and it went bad, so he's adapted an unnecessary defense plan. He'll have a simple frolic with a woman for awhile but that's about it.

    He had no plans to get serious again but along comes Joanna, whom he casually resists at first but later he, like she finds himself in love. That time represents young idealistic love.

    The middle is when they decide to get married, "but no kids". Which almost always goes out the window later. Representing, maturing and adapting and give & take. Mark still tries to hold on to his younger thought process.

    Back to the present where they're seriously on the verge of a break up. Mark's being unfaithful and has become a successful but self centered bore and is cheating.

    He also regrets having a kid. She's at her wits end with him by then and then she cheats too and almost leaves him. (Without giving it away, there "is" a happy ending here).

    Not all relationships are this difficult but "Two For The Road" makes great use of how a young man thinks he always wants to be free, in charge and that he ... and only he matters.

    It also does, for the most part, demonstrate how the female has to deal with such egotism, without making her the good one and he the bad one. They both have faults.

    It's certainly another era but the story and situations could happen today and even to the best of us. I recommend it to anyone over 25 who has been there.

    I'd also though, go as far as to recommend it for educational purposes, to show younger people that love isn't a valentine's greeting card. At my age I can honestly say, I used to think that way too.

    Like the film states near the end, (to paraphrase) there comes a time when certain things are left behind in maturity.

    9 Stars , a little bumpy here and there but worth the journey. (END)