
  • Such a sweet, funny guy.

    Just picked this DVD up the other day . . . Never heard of this movie before . . .

    I thought it had just a few good, howbeit short moments - sadly, overall it was impotent & barren -

    And rather ironically, this illogical movie was directed by an actor-guy whose beloved character's whole role was to be known for his extreme logic . . .?

    Shows ya what a good actor he was . . .

    I'm trying to console myself logically that I only paid 2 bux for this at Dollar General . . .even tho I know, very often those discs in cardboard sleeves are duds - I suppose it was worth that $2 to see Wilder . . . But sad that one of his movies was destined for a DG cardboard sleeve . . .

    Note: this movie MIGHT be worth seein' one time only - hard to say who will pay $2 AND willingly sit thru - betting, assuming, hoping it will get better . . .

    But the low reviews I read are not wrong. So it's def not a keeper.