• 'Kindergarten Cop (1990)' is pretty much exactly what you expect it to be, although its violence is perhaps a bit more graphic than necessary. Who'd have thought Schwarzenegger's greatest challenge would come in the form of a class of unruly kids? Placing such a stone-cold action star in a room full of innocent children is almost a stroke of genius, allowing for several genuinely funny sequences in which our hero tries to wrestle with his new undercover identity. Frankly, it's iconic; there are more than a handful of certifiably classic lines here. The flick is also quite sweet on occasion, allowing its protagonist to show his gentler side while still making him a certifiable bad-ass. It's a really enjoyable experience that does exactly what it needs to. It isn't complex, despite its wrinkles involving broken home lives and cold-blooded criminals, but it's a really fun time from beginning to end. Sometimes, all a film needs to do is make you smile.