
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In Star Trek: Booby Trap (Season Three), Geordi created a holographic image of the Senior Design Engineer at the Theoretical Propulsion Group, Dr Leah Brahms. They worked together and he became smitten.

    In this episode, the real Dr Leah Brahms is coming on board just to see the engine modifications that Geordi has made. This news excited Geordi no end.

    For the record, I did not rate Star Trek: Booby Trap too highly among the Season Three episodes, but let us not judge too prematurely. Will the real girl be comparable to the holodeck recreation?

    Miss Brahm's is certainly lovely, but Geordi's romancing is creeping me out a little and his love-sick behaviour is taking the story down a slippery slope. Imagine if you had your own holodeck and you could recreate anyone you meet or even people you see in the distance. Now imagine you meet that person for real. They may be spooked at the thought that you think you know them.

    Meanwhile, a shell like creature is being scanned by the Enterprise and in return is attempting to probe the Enterprise itself. Sadly, I find neither story has enough about it to keep my attention focussed on the episode.

    Surely, if YOU discover a strange object in space that has never been seen by Humankind before, wouldn't you want to give it a name? Maybe an alien-space-shell, junior, CeeGeeEye.

    In reviewing the previous episode, First Contact, I made the comment that any episode of Season Four that is at the bottom of the heap as being the weakest story, is only there through default of being pitched among some much stronger stories. Unfortunately, this episode manages to make its own way to bottom of the heap simply because it really has nothing of interest.

    NOTE: It's noticeable that we have had a few different Ensign's on Navigation since Wesley left for SFA... none of them have been killed in action as yet.

    Interesting Fact: 9/11 was also Susan Gibney's 40th birthday.