
  • The amount of over the top ridiculous "acting" doesn't even put this in the comedy category as someone else mentioned. It's just pathetically terrible.

    Mom and dad are over protective bubble parents, worrying over everything online, but find their daughter with a massive 6 inch gash in her forearm that's at least an inch deep.... nope that's fine, just a few suture style bandaid should do it.

    Never mind that there's zero blood on any of the knives she supposedly used to cut herself.

    Also, who tf has a detox box, let alone half the town having them????

    Her massive leap in logic about figuring out that it's the parents controlling it, is totally out of left field.

    Daughter breaks into original woman's house, finds a kid locked in a padded closet, mom comes along right after and rather than listen to her about being told the woman had a gun and was pointing it in her face... she smacks her in the mouth. Yup seems reasonable....

    Saying all that, the camerawork wasn't terrible.