
  • Sometimes hard to watch, with the subject matter of someone who may or may not be helped by taking (or not taking) wellbutrin, or other antidepressants. Or maybe the dosage wasn't right. It was a good depiction of the on again off again success of any meds, or dose. About halfway through, the guy on the meds owns the poor communication and the effect his actions are having on their relationship. His partner seems to be willing to wait things out, and to attend the therapy sessions. I really liked when the therapist asked them if they were looking to get into the relationship, or out of the relationship. Nice bottom line! A couple of reviewers have written that they aren't happy with the ending, but I think it summed up a real life situation. Another reviewer mentioned that they didn't see the point of showing their straight friends "timeout" relationship. But i think it was important to show the two main characters' reactions to what their friends were doing.... it kind of told us where they might stand on things. Good acting, if difficult to watch a couple going through really rough times.