• After a deadly kidnapping rescue gone wrong, a guilt ridden detective (Chuck Norris) goes out on his own to successfully rescue an aged diamond cutter from the hands of a murderous thief. With the kidnapped man's niece Elizabeth aiding in his rescue, Shep learns the diamond cutter perfected his skill during his years as an Auschwitz prisoner. Shep must learn the truth about the cutter's past to unravel the clues and rescue him before it is too late.

    Being a fan of old school-style action films I enjoyed this Chuck Norris actioner, his last film before retirement, which could have been released in the 1980's. At 65, Chuck has still got the moves, kicking the bad guys, throwing them out of the window. His showdown with Daniel Bernhardt is quite good. Incidentally, Bernhardt makes a good villain, a chameleon-like character, a master of disguises. The Nazi and diamond-related story makes a change from the usual terrorist storyline, there's some good action, and a fast-paced plot, though the editing can be a bit jumpy and the story a little confusing. The Cutter is not exactly at the level of Code of Silence/Lonewolf McQuade, but it's better than any of late 80's-early 90's Norris films (Hitman, Sidekick, Hellbound etc.)