
  • Great soundtrack, brilliant cast, suspense and action. If you are keen on all that, enjoy, because there is so much to enjoy in that sense. It is an updated version of many war films of 1960ies: War is fun, more like an adventure trip with friends and real men are far better out there than anywhere else where life is boring and where potential wives wait or mothers.... And real men they are! Constantly drunk or under the influence of other drugs - yet still able to perform under any circumstances. Fighting all the time and of course our heroes are superior in all they do, despite some difficulties. Typical for the BBC there must be some reference to modern themes, hence there is a subtle gay subplot (quite nicely done), a pointless cross-dressing reference and of course some visible vulnerability to counteract the otherwise testosteron-heavy dialogue and action on the screen.

    Oh well. I liked it in many ways but I really feared that some viewers will be silly enough to take any of it for historical fact. War surely is not fun. Never has been, never will. It is a mixture of necessity, bravery, pathos, lies, authority, finding means to kill and trying to stay alive whilst doing so.

    War is horrible - for everyome involved, even if it is still a necessity. We should thank those who stand up to those who inflict it, but: The history of the SAS offers a great blueprint for this show, yet, heavens, if you are young and seek adventure, please go for a hike with your mates and don't fantasise about war with this show in mind.