
  • Season 1 of The Calling, left me hoping for a season 2. While it could be described as an old-school police procedural, the unique characters on the police force and their interactions made this a thoroughly modern drama. The ethnic mix of the main characters was both striking and a reminder of how far TV has come in showing the diversity of real life: A spiritually inclined, orthodox Jewish detective, partnered with a private school educated black female, supervised by a crusty but wise black female Captain, created an interesting ethnic stew that enriched the show.

    The acting was first-rate from the entire cast. Even the child actors had solid roles, and were not gratuitous or cloying as is sometimes the case.

    If I had a complaint about the series, it was that it ran roughshod over rules of evidence. Police burst into peoples' homes without warrants and poked around, and there was nary a defense lawyer to be seen. The next season could tighten that up a bit. But overall, it was a highly engaging series; I hope we see more of it.