
  • Holy guacamole, batman. Check out the comedy greats in this one! Neil hamilton was "the commissioner". Lucy. Edgar bergen. Jim and marian jordan, aka, fibber mcgee and molly, who had a huge radio show for twenty years. When edgar's secretary gets married, all heck breaks loose. Edgar and charlie end up in wistful vista, the home of fibber mcgee. Don't open the closet! They land right in the middle of a shady land deal between the town bigshot and a local businessman. Now the wedding may be off, and the mcgees might lose their house. Can they fix all this mess? Fun caper, moves along. Also keep an eye out for sterling holloway in the soda shop... he was winnie the pooh! And charles lane used to hold the record for the most bit parts in film... not sure if he still does. As silly as the story is, the whole point here is to see all the great comedians together in one film. Directed by allan dwan.