• Japanese secretary to Japanese guy who has returned from Cornell to work as an engineer in a Japanese factory: "Can everyone do just as he wants to do? And can anyone get to be president? Whether he was born in a log cabin or not?"

    Well, sure, doll, as long as he isn't bl#ck or Asian, he can do whatever he wants and go wherever he wants. On the other hand, American citizens who look like your new pal here have been put into prison camps because President Roosevelt is a spineless, civil liberties hating authoritarian tyrant who provoked a war with your country with a naval blockade. And your racist, war-mongering authoritarian tyrant decided butchering Chinese didn't give him enough kicks so he figured he'd take a shot at Pearl Harbour. But why quibble.

    Anyway, I think this movie is supposed to show that there are plenty of Good Japanese, sop when the good guys win WWII we shouldn't hate on them. Almost as clumsily rendered as a middle-school education film.

    Ultimately all the round-eyes made up in Y3llow-Face talking pidgen-English is too distracting. I couldn't stick with it.