• Warning: Spoilers
    The actresses did a fine job playing bad characters. During the movie with how unlikable the ladies are, I was left waiting for something else to happen for so long, some scenes dragging on too long. The dialogue is painful. Is that what the writers think Americans talk like? I am looking at you Deidre.

    Somehow, the 15 year old had more personality than them. The potential was there. Charlotte's personality came off as a little back and forth between being different than her friends and being like them, mostly in the beginning.

    The soundtrack is not bad, and the effects are quite good! It's for certain something you go into not expecting much- it does a good job being something full of whacky narm charm. Something to watch for a kick or with friends for a fun time.

    I am curious to see what these people have in store in the future. I wouldn't mind a sequel. It left on a cliffhanger and possible downer ending.

    Also, do not let your kids watch this. At all. The cursing and cluster f-bombs are there, along with the heavy talks of sex and an adult kissing a minor, and some nudity/partial nudity, alien sex and pregnancies. The gore is there on display and implication a woman shot herself with a shotgun, lower part of her face gone into the winds.

    Over all, a solid C movie!

    To whatever these folks bring in the future, I look forward to seeing!