• Warning: Spoilers
    Reading some of the other reviews, it seems that people are looking at Empire of Light to be another film in which Olivia Coleman shines, or another Sam Mendes ode to the art of filmmaking, or a "muddle" of issues: mental illness, racism, politics, infidelity, anger, loss, shame, etc.. And it may be, but only on the surface.

    Like in life, these are issues that need to be dealt with and peeled away, issues that cloud your perceptions. It is only when you deal with these issues that you can see life for what it can be. And it is exactly the same for this film.

    Once you look past the obvious, there, suddenly, appears a film about human connections, kindness, love, support, encouragement and positive progress. It says to look past the hand you've been dealt, the family you were born into, the problems with which you are mired and see what you can become, lean on those that carry you forward, not the ones that hold you back.

    This is the beautiful movie that I watched.