• Warning: Spoilers
    A formerly penniless woman is delighted to inherit the house of her estranged aunt. Although people warn her about the presence of a ghost, she soon feels completely at home. She also hopes that this stepping stone to normalcy and stability will help keep her husband on the straight and narrow. Alas, the man degenerates from a shiftless drunk into a shiftless and adulterous drunk...

    "The House in Marsh Road" is a mix of thriller and horror. As a horror movie, it falls into the "haunted house" genre. While watchable, the movie suffers from a certain blandness when evoking the uncanny and the supernatural. Weird things happen around the house but they don't make the viewer's spine tingle with fear. Moreover, the actions of the characters don't always make sense. Near the end, the female protagonist has grown convinced that her husband is trying to kill her, but this does not keep her from returning to their common dwelling. Most reasonable women would not return to that address at all ; or if they did return, it would only be in order to pick up their most essential possessions, accompanied by several strong policemen or bodyguards.

    On the other hand "The House in Marsh Road" works up to an extremely strong and striking finale. And yes, it turns out that your back pain specialist IS right : comfy chairs are a danger to human health !