• I personally found the podcasts pretty outdated in terms of real life issues women face today. The 'barriers' Meghan Markle discusses in the podcasts have been discussed on so many other occasions and sprinkling some 'celebrity discussion ' into the mix doesn't add much to the wider discussion in my opinion.

    Its perhaps harsh to say some of the points are irrelevant, but it could have reached much further into current issues for women in the workplace, looking at lower pay rates and promotion to higher levels of responsibility. Certainly in the UK there's plenty of evidence to support these discussions. Evidencing the barriers with facts and data rather than anecdotal stories adds more weight to the argument.

    In addition I struggle with Meghan Markle as a presenter of this series. She has used this platform and others to forward her own agenda and whether her allegations are true or false they affect her credibility as a presenter which is another issue in my view.

    As a Spotify customer i hope they can find more credible input to pay for in the future.