• Warning: Spoilers
    When I was younger, I used to absolutely adore this show. But like honestly? This show is a train-wreck. For the most part, there's little to no plot progression, with things only finally starting to move in Season 4.

    The characters are very 2-dimensional and boring, for example, Adrien's only character trait is that he's perfect. I'd say the only well written character in this show is Felix, who's only been in like 10 episodes. I feel like the writers have no idea what they wanted to do with the plot, but then people online started posting about a particular theory, they shoehorned that in, and that's annoying.

    Speaking of annoying, the protagonist - Marinette is supposed to be a relatable everyman type character, but then she does some really messed up things and gets away with it. Like, she breaks into Adrien's house on several occasions, steals his personal belongings, sniffs his pillow and she attempts to kiss him when he was pretending to be a statue. And then the writers have the nerve to be like "Oh but that's just Marinette being Marinette!" That's not normal behaviour.

    And then there's Chloe, who in seasons 2 and 3, began to undergo a redemption arc. Only for the writers to do a full 180 and make her an antagonist again. And then they brought in Zoe to replace her. If this isn't terrible writing, I don't know what is.

    But not only is the writing awful, the animation isn't amazing either. Anybody who's watched Miraculous can tell you about the tonnes of animation mistakes and the little to no quality control. For example, the episode Qilin looks so bad I cannot bring myself to watch it. Like, they don't even have eyelashes for half of the episode. I will admit that Qilin is the only episode in the show that looks that bad and unfinished, but still.

    I will admit though, the soundtrack is pretty good, especially tracks such as "In the Rain" and "The Last Dance". Even that song Felix sings in season 5 is good (Only the French version, though.) But then there's the abomination that is the Christmas special. Because for whatever reason, they made the Christmas special a musical, and well... the songs aren't good. It doesn't help that Bryce Papenbrook, Adrien's VA, can't sing. They even got Plagg to sing and it's so bad it's funny.

    Ultimately, this show isn't very good. And it's honestly such a shame, because it does have a really interesting concept. I hope in like 20 years it gets rebooted and someone competent will be in charge of writing it, because I do really love the ideas this show presents.