• Warning: Spoilers
    Slow and turgid it may be but the story is utterly ridiculous.

    If the oceans rose that amount then I'd love to know where the water came from to do it because that is one heck of a lot of water - utterly daft climate crisis fearmongering rot.

    When we learn that there is a traitor on board I simply cannot fathom the plot.

    If the object of this whole exercise was to take control of Martha then simply shoot your 3 colleagues and send a signal back home to come and collect it - but no! We are going to wait for 2 years and then row out into the ocean with the beacon and shoot the relief crew and go back to the platform and act as though nothing had ever happened lol.

    My first thought was perhaps she needed the boat but seeing as she just left it drift away then that's out of the window.

    Casting that all aside, if you had just worked out that she had killed the relief crew and your two colleagues in cold blood you know you're next - yet he wants to trust her? What? How many does she have to kill before you grow a brain? Has he forgotten this is a war?

    Let's not forget that the platform could barely function because it was so old and delapidated. Baines struggled to keep on top of repairs with barely enough parts - but these two idiots are going to turn it into a love nest and live happily ever after with Martha.

    I wish it had gone off after 5 minutes of the film.