• Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is awful. I can't believe Kate Bosworth signed up for it.

    Anyway the awfulness starts before any actors are seen.

    We're shown a world map with only 2 land masses left at either end of the map who are in conflict and the "sentinel" in the middle.

    As a globe theorist, this would put the 2 land masses next to each other and the "sentinel" on the other side of the world with no point.

    Then we're meant to believe Kate's character just slipped out one evening to hijack the relief ship?

    Nobody else noticed the ship when they were desperately waiting for it 2 months late?

    Then when living in close proximity with 3 people she can sneak off to kills everyone on board, move the ship and then get back on a dinghy with an outboard motor with nobody noticing?

    Anyway, they continuously show this world map which becomes increasingly more annoying for a globe theorist.