
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The intro song will always make me sentimental. The visuals complimented with the song is just beautiful. The art style and animations are experimental, it's very unique. I haven't seen anything quite like it. You'll either find it interesting or you'll be put off by it. Right from the beginning the show pulls you into it's dystopian world without any context of anything and you have to figure out what's going on, and I loved that. I found it fascinating how surreal and otherworldly it looked, it reminded me a lot of Fantastic Planet. The soundtrack compliments the overall bizarre sci-fi tone of the show wonderfully. The storytelling is cleverly done and it's not afraid to get very creative with its ideas. The anime surprised me with how heavily spiritual and existential it was. It's beautifully human at its core. Each episode cleverly explores different themes pertaining to life, death, love, family, humanity, society, memories and much more. And the way this anime explores these different themes is something I've never seen done before, and it kind of blew my mind. I've never seen a piece of media that highlights how important and powerful our memories are like this one does.

    The idea of people's memories floating through space is both insane and also kind of sad. The fact that people are able to sell their physical bodies and memories to rich people is also sad and very wrong. How did they come up with all these ideas? Chroniko's story along with Negi's, her aunt, was probably the most tragic and memorable moment in the show. The way they showed all of their backstory within mere minutes and all through memory flashbacks was amazing. And the way they portrayed all of Negi's memories flooding in at once and her being overwhelmed by emotions was masterfully done. That screeching cry that Negi gives out when she recalls all her memories of her sister and Chroniko really hit hard, it definitely made me tear up. It reminded me of the things we do for family, the sacrifices we make because we care about them. Also made me think of how we try to forget about some of our past memories. Memories that might bring sadness, despair or anger and how impossible it is to avoid thinking about these memories. These memories always seem to find a way of creeping back into our consciousness. That definitely made me sentimental and opened up a wound. You would never expect it from this anime, but it's actually really sad and tragic. The good thing is that it never gets too bleak or dark.

    This is the part where I complain lol. So although I can respect the creative ideas for the character designs, I do have to say, personally, it's kind of hard for me to care about and get into them when they look so cartoony and childlike. Most of the main characters literally look like children, and its kind of off-putting to me. Everything else looks wonderfully conceptualized though; like the planets, the different species, the lore-based objects. It's also worth noting that the show looks more like a cartoon than an anime. The other complaint is that this show can be at times too surreal and abstract for my taste. I think the ideas and concepts that are presented are amazing and definitely thought-provoking, but sometimes the way that it's executed or the way they're portrayed can seem too farfetched at times. But with that being said, it was these different ideas, concepts and themes that kept me invested in the anime more than anything.

    Overall, Kaiba is a one-of-a-kind anime that comes once in a blue moon. If you're wiling to take the plunge into this bizarre, surreal and abstract world, you'll definitely be rewarded with a truly unique and thought-provoking experience. Definitely worth watching if you can get past the art style.