• Warning: Spoilers
    It's the future, and everything's gone to ****! Swamped by rising tidal waters due to global warming, the world has been reduced to just two land masses, perpetually at war with each other.

    Somewhere in the middle of the vast ocean, four tired soldiers on a sea fort are waiting impatiently for their relief shift, which is now well overdue. They send regular reports to their superiors, but never receive a reply. The fort houses an insanely powerful nuclear weapon, which the soldiers are authorised to use as a last resort.

    When their relief boat arrives empty and battered, the soldiers must unravel the mystery and make some difficult decisions about the feasibility of survival and escape.

    I really wanted to like this movie. The premise was solid, and the tiny cast of four could have worked. But the pacing was too slow, and at 2 hours, it was at least 30 minutes too long. This could have been mitigated by a powerful ending, but lack of creative vision resulted in an anticlimactic wheeze rather than the powerful statement it could have been.

    It doesn't help that the whole thing is riddled with implausible plot points and inconsistencies that detract from the immersion.

    I rate Last Sentinel at 16.65 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a mediocre 5/10 on IMDB.