• No one writes stories anymore, just heavy-handed delivery platforms for The Message(tm).

    The Message(tm), in this case:

    "You are a BAD! You ate a meat today?!? You drove the gas car?!? BAD peasant BAD!! You, yes you personally, are KILLING all the horses, cats, and swallows!"

    Apparently, us bad peasants living a technological lifestyle will cause so much water to melt off the polar icecaps that there will be a NEGATIVE mass of ice, releasing more water than is actually contained IN the polar icecaps in the first place, and submerging all the world's land, which did not happen the last time the polar icecaps completely melted, 34 million years ago.

    This sort of lazy, phoned-in, unresearched, half-assed writing sets the tone for the whole story; the ideas behind each failed plot twist are never supposed to make sense in your head. You are just supposed to feel them with all your feels.

    Perhaps "story" is a generous word here, because The Message(tm) is relied upon to justify the plot, rather than the other way around.

    By this point, you may, depending on who you are, be thinking that my objection here is to the content of The Message If you live in NYC, have never left there, refuse to ride anything other than a bicycle, and think food comes from the grocery store, then you might think that possibly you would enjoy this film.

    You would be wrong. Even if you agree with every single part of The Message(tm), there's still no story, no discernible character motivations or development, and no real conclusion.

    The Message(tm) cannot save the story, it can never save any story, because good art requires no justification, and bad art allows none.