• It's difficult to objectively review a film like this-one that goes beyond good intentions in telling an inspiring true story that needs to be seen.

    Films like this can be manipulative, and at times this one is (such as with the tasteless insertion of real-world kidnapping footage in the opening credits).

    Films like this can be overlong, and this one is, with many shots and scenes overstaying their welcome. About 15 minutes should've been shaved off in the editing room.

    But films like this can also be sincere and powerful, and this one certainly is far more often than it isn't.

    Jim Caviezel comes in strong with a wonderfully subdued performance. This man needs to close himself off to get through his soul-shredding job, but emotions leak through at just the right moments. The rest of the performances range from good to terrible, with Caviezel being the indisputable standout.

    With its depiction of child sex trafficking, this is one of the most disturbing films I've ever seen at times. It's wisely not graphic, which enhances the horror; the worst atrocities are left to the imagination, and it makes the story's stakes tangible and hard-hitting.

    The script is largely strong, building character and plot at just the right rate. But it does stumble a bit with occasional melodramatic dialogue and horribly misplaced humor.

    Sound of Freedom sheds emotionally deep light on oft-ignored modern horrors, and deserves to be seen, as its many faults can be looked past in light of its many triumphs.