
  • I've seen a few films... Just a few ;)

    Vega's film slap differently... I am Polish so most of the time they feel too real to me... they hit too close to home, etc.. They actually disgust me because if the world indeed looks like this than I do not want to have anything to do with it.

    I have seen all PITBULLs and other crime thrillers from VEGA. They are all amazingly well done with a few wtf moments... Some of them are plain stupid, some of them are so cringy that just wtf...

    One thing is certain. He has a strong style. A unique one and his movies are his own and they are really really good. What I have watched in the recent years from "the Hollywood" is just garbage in comparison...

    A cheap thrill often made even cheaper. I would have never thought that Polish films can have better stories, better special effects, etc/

    They are far from perfect but still better than most that comes out from the USA in cinemas.

    There's a Polish saying:

    'Cudze chwalicie, Swego nie znacie, Sami nie wiecie, Co posiadacie.' - Stanislaw Jachowicz

    and it is so true... Vega and a few other factors have made me look into that quote even deeper...

    As for this particular film... Heavy as f... It actually made me decide that I will not watch more movies from VEGA even though I enjoy them a lot. I have some problems with depression and all dark/heavy stuff like this just puts me into a bad mindspace...

    I need rainbows, singing unicorns flying over the blue sky with billowy snowy white clouds on it... not a criminal, thriller, drama about little children being sold and abused all over the world... BUT... if he is not afraid to show what's ugly to the world...

    This alone should be prised and talked about... He is brutally honest and is not shy to put it/show in his movies...

    Some of the scenes are more hardcore than those from Lars von Trier or Alejandro G. Iñárritu. Think along those lines when you think about VEGA's films because this is his style and he is bloody good at it.

    I wish him all the success because he deserves it. I also recommend all his thriller/drama,criminal films. I haven't seen all of his movies and some might be as bad as people say... I've got a hint or two from the ones I have really enjoyed so... I can only imagine the wtf/cringiness amount he might have put if he did not filled a film with what he is good at/

    Hopefully he will grow and his films will reach wider crowds all over the world. Thank you. /tgchan. Com.