• Sound of Freedom provides a powerful message. It is a hard to watch thriller about a loosely true story of Tim Ballard and his experiences with trafficking. A lot of what happens in this movie isn't true but we all know Hollywood does that a lot. There's hard to watch scenes that make your stomach turn. They go almost too far showing stuff on screen then cut it off just in time. Which begs the question, this stuff could have just been implied? That aside this movie is a mess. It's cut up so choppy, like a play almost. The transitions aren't smooth, we jump scene to scene for the first hour and a half of the movie. The acting isn't the worst in the world but the main actor, Jim Caviezel, delivers a poor performance that makes the surrounding cast look like Oscar performances (they're not). There's random humor sprinkled in the film that is just so out of place, there's scenes where they try some sort of fancy cinematography that drags out and feels like they forgot to cut the film. I guess the best way to describe this movie is similar to a lifetime movie. It's choppy, messy and a fabricated truth of a movie. The best part is the special message when Caviezel says they basically couldn't get the movie out because of Hollywood but then they do the Hollywood thing of making Tim Ballard look like a crazy badass by making up the whole climax of the film.

    This is a below average film about a serious topic matter.