• Warning: Spoilers
    This film certainly cuts to the chase with a scene more-or-less straight away which has a father killed by one of his sons on a hunting trip; we then progress forward and flash back in time to find out what led us to this pivotal incident. 'Kill' does seem like a fairly bad title for a movie, as it's so basic, easily forgettable and its sure to be hard to find on Google. It's a shame, as this film could do with something to make it stand out more from the crowd, as it's a decidedly lo-fi bit of work, with very few characters and locations. For this reason, its more character-driven, yet in all honesty, these characters and their inter-relationships weren't especially interesting to me. There was a fair bit of tension between the three brothers and their abusive dad, yet the nature of their conflicts did get very repetitive and very often boiled down to them shouting at each other at close quarters. There was a bit of intrigue with regard to the flash-back scenes and the idea of discovering how the past informed the present but even then, this ultimately felt a bit half-baked a lot of the time. As a thriller, there were a few moments of tension which occasionally worked quite well, with the father figure being fairly intimidating. Overall, this isn't a terrible film exactly, but like a lot of films from the past few years, it's a bit too dreary for its own good.