• There have been many straight to DVD WW2 movies in the last 20 yrs. This movie is way better than those. The story line is factual and the acting is decent. It lacks the true epic quality but I would be happy if all WW2 movies were up to this standard.

    What impressed me were the depth of vehicles and aircraft. Not a few soldiers taking pot shots in a forest like so many other movies.

    ME262 dog fight with Mustangs, later ME109's. Later Sherman tanks and Honeywell as well as German Tiger. Lots of authentic German half tracks of various types, as well as armoured cars.

    Even films not long after the war lacked these vehicles. You would often see allied tanks depicted as German, or 1950's tanks would be used.

    It lacks the big epic feel, not many extras employed here. Although the actors did their job. Thought their was not enough build up of the characters, to draw you in to their plight.

    Worth watching.