• Warning: Spoilers
    Released in the summer of 1930, more than a decade after WWI, this motion picture is a satire of life in the trenches and one of Buster Keaton's most fondly remembered efforts at MGM. In fact Keaton considered it his best sound film from the talkie era. As a precode production, there are some amusing scenes that suggest promiscuity as well as violence, though nothing too shocking for modern eyes.

    Watching DOUGHBOYS, I had a strong sense of deja vu. It was clear to me that the creators of Gomer Pyle U. S. M. C. had borrowed heavily from the ideas presented in this film. On TV, Gomer (played by Jim Nabors) was a bumbling recruit who always seemed to get on a gunnery sergeant's last nerve. Here, it's Keaton's standard routine as well, causing chaos and confusion everywhere he goes, to the great exasperation of Sergeant Edward Brophy who is constantly shouting orders to no avail. It's funny the first two or three times, but the shtick quickly becomes repetitive and stale.

    The best comic bits are where Keaton gets to demonstrate his athleticism, such as an early scene in the recruitment office where he is forced to undergo a physical despite his attempts to avoid it. There is also a strange scene later in the movie, where Keaton joins a dance troupe on stage to entertain his fellow soldiers. While dressed as a female, he experiences a physically grueling number with another male dancer that involves slamming his body down on the floor over and over. It looks painful to watch, but is still somewhat humorous.

    In case military satire and Keaton's physical gags get to be too much, the story slows down in spots to focus on a relationship between Keaton and a girl (Sally Eilers) he's been trying to romance since before his enlistment. Miss Eilers reminds me a bit of Mary Astor in this film. Her hairstyle seems early 30s, more than a bit anachronistic since this is technically a period piece set in the late 1910s.

    We know that despite various mishaps, Keaton will end up with the girl. He will also become an unlikely hero who saves the day at the end during battle against the Germans. It's the type of story that has a predictable quality, but is nonetheless still entertaining.