
  • Waste of everything, including viewers' time.

    Great actors, great scenery, nice gags, nice citations. And in the end of the day, nothing. Emptiness. Starting with some good jokes, making fun of the nazis, borrowing from Lubitsch and Wilder, everything into a huge mixer, full speed. What we are presented with is the result, this seemingly unplanned and un-directed cutting of everything into a film.

    Where is the overarching idea? What holds this film together? Just (good!) piece after (good) piece. Chronologically everything is in order. Though film-wise it isn't. A few moments of comedy, followed by some moments of drama, love story, and ensuing some mockery on nazis. Rinse and repeat.

    No line in this film, except of picking anything from right and left that one comes across to be dragged into the story.

    Enjoy watching Penelope Cruz, Hanna Schygulla, and others. But don't expect to see a film with a consistent theme.