
  • Early days but it's already suffering the fate of nearly all reboots of previously successful up to your own standards!

    The original series was one of the best TV had to offer, winning so many awards to prove it, competing with that is going to be next to impossible. So the question then becomes WHY would you want to try?

    It has its moments for sure and compared to much of the detritus currently being aired it doesn't take a lot to rise above them but you're NOT have a pedigree ..a history to live up to!

    The temptation to simply turn this off and go watch re-runs of the original to remind yourself just how good that really was..maybe too great..!

    Edit: After season finale.. The kindest way to frame it..might be to consider this reboot as a 10 episode Epilogue, in the vein of .. I wonder what ever happened to ole' Frasier..well now we know and it's time to close the book!