• Ok, so my sister was watching this one day when i came over her house to watch her dogs for a few hours ( i don't mind i love the dogs). As i was watching and read the summary of the film provided by her cable company it reminded me of a story i read before that happened in the 1980's. Sure enough, after a little digging i read that this movie was based primarily on the story i was thinking of, giving it the "based on a true story" worthiness.

    It's based on the actions of teenager Daniel Laplante, whom in 1987 had been stalking and tormenting 2 sisters who were often left home alone by their father. Their mother had recently lost a battle with cancer, and the now widowed father had taken on a 2nd job to provide for his daughters, often getting home late. The one daughter, 15 years old was now responsible to take care of her little sister (8 years). 16 year old Daniel Laplante was a disturbed teen who had been sexually abused by his father and stepfather, began breaking into people's homes and ended up not only breaking into the home of these 2 girls, but also would spend days living in the walls even when the girls and their father were inside. Laplante often "tapped" on the inside of the walls to scare the girls, and the girls began thinking it was their dead mother trying to contact them. Over the course of 2 months, the family would find food missing, appliances turning on or off while they were out, and furniture around the house being moved out of place. One night, the girls discovered a terrifying message written on the basement wall saying "I'm in your room, come find me". They stormed out of the house to a neighbor's where they called their father. The father believed all of this was either a joke being played on him by the daughters, or that is was his daughters way of dealing with the grief over their mother's passing. The father left work early and came home to find his daughters were not only telling him the truth, but out the corner of his eye he saw Laplante in full make-up and dressed in his dead wife's wedding dress wielding a hatchet. The story goes in different directions with rumors floating around that he held the family captive or that he escaped and then came back and haunted the family more....but shortly after a stay in Juvenile detention for this incident, Laplante would go on to murder a pregnant woman and her 2 children during a home invasion.

    As for this movie, it was a basic lifetime thriller will bad production and sub-par acting. The Daniel Laplante story is really horrifying story which surprisingly hasn't been turned into a horror film, or at least a thriller by now.