• Warning: Spoilers
    There are many problems with this show :

    1) lawyers need qualifications to pass the bar exam or study to, Jule is allegedly smart enough to hide an affair with a guy older than her grandparents but couldn't manage a door with a key card? She also tells anyone who shows her any interest the entire investigation and everything she's found because she is that dumb and trusting.

    2) a child of a policeman/ woman wouldn't get in a car with a stranger, it's an insult to the girls intelligence and ours

    3) if Jule was any dumber she wouldn't be able to tie her own shoelaces, she didn't realise that the guy she met in the park 20 stone 6ft odds wasn't the slim guy about 5ft 10in a black leather jacket running away from the detectives flat but a guy breaking in?

    4) a private detective with years of experience isn't stupid, but Jule the jinx gets him offed as well, I feel at some point she's going to get kidnapped and she probably typed her own ransom note.