• At least so far. Five episodes in, I'm more than ready to forgive the first episode, which was not even a little bit of a mess. Maybe the in medias res attitude was necessary -- and looking back, even warranted -- but it sure did not make it easy to get hooked.

    The show gets its footing by episode 3, and is not quickly becoming a very low-key but high-concept thing. And it's not even cheating, as a scifi mystery show does not need huge set pieces, just something to make you think about things.

    The well-contained setting of an interstellar lighthouse might seem dire or uninteresting, but the characters here, their stories and their choices make this thing worth the while.

    My suggestion: keep watching (survive EP1, I guarantee things get better as soon as EP2) at least until EP5, if you're still not convinced, then OK, this show is not for you. As for me, I'm hooked.