
  • Loved season 1, 3 strong women characters, good plots, great interactions male detective adds value. Season 2 starts ok then goes off the rails. Dicté becomes a neurotic a$$ , my favorite character gets killed due to Dicte's actions. Season 3 is just stupid people doing stupid men things. Dicté is so hung up on her own problems that she hurts all around her. I rate season 1 a 9, season 2 a 7 and season 3 a 2. So, average 6.

    We watched season 3 just for completeness. It was painful. Each character that we liked in season 1 (except Torsten, his wife and Dicte's daughter) did mean things over the course of time so we ended up disliking all of them. With no characters to like the truly simple minded plots became a series of who cares. Don't watch season 3, make up your own endings. They'll be much better.