• This terrible sequel, featuring Pete Davidson and Kenan Thompson, plummets into the abyss of mediocrity, delivering a lackluster narrative riddled with cringe-worthy moments. With a cast that struggles to salvage an incoherent script, "Good Burger 2" becomes a forgettable venture, a disappointing echo of its cult classic predecessor. As the Roman Empire faltered under the strain of external pressures, "Good Burger 2" unwittingly mirrors this decline, stumbling into a narrative void where humor becomes a mere caricature of its former self. The film's thematic shallowness, coupled with its bewildering cast choices, underscores a disquieting trend in contemporary Western civilization. In its retreat into the trivial and the vapid, the movie becomes a harbinger of a potential collapse into a cultural abyss, reminiscent of Rome's eventual fall as it crumbled under the weight of external and internal pressures.