• Here is my first imdb review (actually this is the 2nd attempt, it didnt save the first attempt lol)

    So... what do I think of this movie..

    I watched "Give Me A Sailor" this morning, in bed tucked up under a duvet after a long Boxing Day the day before. So it is December 27th 2023, and why am I reviewing a almost 90 year old movie? Moreover why and how am I even watching this movie? Well, I felt like watching a movie that means nothing to me just a bit of light entertainment.

    I am a classic movie fan, and as much as I love all the classics, sometimes I just like to watch a complete nonsense movie with people in that I dont particularly follow.

    This movie is one of those. So, no spoilers here!! Lets give my run down on Give Me A Sailor..

    Bob Hope does a pretty decent job in this one, you would never know it is one of his early movie roles. Martha Raye.. hmmm... what to say about Martha.. I find her a bit of an oddity, shes ok in this movie actually, but usually she can be quite annoying with weird facial expressions and the like (I guess in the 30s and 40s her unique style of comedy had them laughing in the aisles lol)..

    Now lets move onto Jack Whiting who plays Walter Brewster, actually lets not. There really is nothing to say about him. So, Betty Grable.. a fantastic performance by Ms Grable as always, and a catchy little song and dance number too ~ what more could you want. Without Ms Grable, I would probably have given up watching before the picture was through.

    Overall, a nice little light hearted comedy to pass the time whilst in bed feeling worse for wear. They dont make em like this anymore.