• Warning: Spoilers
    I can see how it may be a tad bit pointless to review this movie but I just hate it so much. So jimmy is this kid with no backbone, or defining personality, and their for no reason to be interesting but a couple of reasons to be annoying. His best friend is craig, if I had to choose between Ren(Ren and Stimpy) and Craig I would pick Ren. Craig is just the absolute worst. He acts like an absolute moron to get with the cool kids, and isn't funny for a second. This is a line he says to his best and possibly his only friend.

    Craig: whatever, what happened yesterday you get hit by a train and then you totally ditch me.

    Jimmy: I was in the hospital.

    Craig: it's always gotta be about you.

    So what else is thier to hate besides Craig, Craig, Jimmy and Craig? Oh ya, the movie is suppose to be like a live action cartoon, this is a terrible idea for this reason. Live action and cartoons are two entirely different things. Live action is made to give a sense of realism, cartoons are made to break the limitations of reality. If you have cartoons in a world that's already cartoony the entire premise is irrelevant. Since when in reality have you ever heard someone at school casually say this. "Hey I heard you got Melt's brain." The adult acting is awful, and the child acting is some how worse. Jimmy's sister is an alien. She's suppose to be an alien but look at her all it is is a grean spray tan and some wires. This is never explained, she has no reason to be in this movie, and she's suppose to be like a teenager but she's obviously in her 20's so not only is she pointless, and an unconvincing alien, but she's actually also an unconvincing teenager. Jimmy's dad is suppose to be hilariously bad at driving and advice but he's not a cartoon so he's just concerning. Jimmy's mom is an astronaut for some reason. She where's her space suit at home, why dose she where her space suit at home? Our villain where's a cape, laughs without even smiling, and talks to a bag of money with a name, he's apparently suppose to be a real person. Now back to jimmy, he repeativly embarases himself infront in public because he keeps acting like the cartoons are real when their really just visions so he looks like a complete idiot. So what's the plot of this movie? Well jimmy get's hit by the train at an amusement park (still reading?). And then he gets sent flying through the air somehow as if a kitty ride train could hit with the amount of force required (really you need more?). Then it turns out that the hospital at the amusement park is actually a functioning hospital, and the mascots are lisenced doctors (this is suppose to be live action). So they assign jimmy for a brain transplant (that is not a thing! I cannot believe that you would think it would be OK to have that as a thing in a live action movie!). You know what I'm not letting this go just yet why would you give him a brain transplant? Even if that was a way to save someone why is it used hear? How is the rest of his body okay if he has someone else's brain and how is he even himself if he has the organ that contains someone else's consciousness? And to drive it home even further, why would they give him the brain of a famous cartoonist (who's suppose to be an omage to Walt Disney even though in this movie he died eating paint all his life and all the characters he made are obnoxious jerks) in the brain of a kid who just so happened to be injured. And isn't that brain suppose to be a secret? Worst Cartoon Network movie ever!