• After the insane amounts of critical acclaim this movie has been getting it's disappointing that I found it to be a bit of a slog when all was said and done. Don't get me wrong it is beautifully performed, these 4 actors perform all of their emotionally charged scenes to perfection and I certainly can't say that I never felt anything while I was watching it. I just found the whole structure of the thing to be so repetitive that it started to become frustrating very quickly. Andrew Scott might be amazing at playing this character's long, protracted stares but when that ends up being half your movie I can't help but find it eye rolling after a while. There's also a development concerning one of these characters that I predicted from almost the very first scenes. I'm not always hyper critical of predictability as long as what's being foreshadowed is right for the narrative. But when it becomes so obviously apparent what the whole thing is trying to say so early on I can't help but feel like it loses a lot of its effectiveness. Not a film I would call bad per say but its very clear that I didn't get nearly as much out of it as most people.