• A valuable documentary over censorship stablished in Hollywood spanning since early twenties passing through Hays code in thirties until mid-eighties when this doc was made, hosted by Douglas Fairbanks jr. Exposing the silent movie era when the productions starts out of control exposing nudity and lascivious language, to worst ravaged by several sexual scandals behind the scenes, upon strong complaints from many line of through of the society as church and league of decency force a changing, this first effort aiming for mitigate it was draw up some elementary rules to stop such outrageous productions, it really work out at first moment, nonetheless some producers somehow got outwit the system.

    Perceiving the matter enters the Hays code in 1934 after heated quarrel, often focusing in some specific Hollywood figures as Mae West, Barbara Stanwyck just named a few, then came up others characters as the producer Howard Hughes in the suggestive OUTLAW exposing Jane Russell's breast, later the Hays code target Marylin Monroe, Jane Mansfield, Mamie Van Doren, and the Marilyn Monroe's doppelganger Sheree North on sex-reel tapes addressed for small theatres, lastly the contentious BABY DOLL explained by own Carroll Baker and Eli Wallach both stating as harmless feature.

    On second part came up Peter Fonda concerning the drugs and violence on pictures, as EASY RIDER, WOODSTOCK, further Martin Scorsese talks about previous ones and TAXI DRIVER as well, also argues over the hard beaten up PEEPING TOM, without forget the Santa Claus has been tainted by the fierce SILENCE NIGHT,DEADLY NIGHT, it triggered an uprising of the puritans letting the movie banned for one year, it was back nonetheless no Santa Claus should be implied in the title, thus they switch the title as wrote above, aiming for detaching the holy image of Santa Claus, overall a decent and enlightening documentary.

    Thanks for reading.


    First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.