• Nowhere I could find the mention of this books series in the titles, but traces of it went through all show beginning with the name.

    So, through prism of books it was.. fine. The first book of serie had been about psychology and psychologist who became one of main doctors, and look at these one of the main characters! Suspicious. Then the empat-bird (not the insect as it was in the books but still), then a nurse.. I am pretty sure it is parody on White' Hospital, yeah.

    Anyhow, in the books it was quiet medicinal cases and nothing much else, every book a story of some really hard case and patients of any species even unknown one that doctors need to solve for saving life.

    Here it same concept plus private life of doctors, private problems, a lot of things from adult and cheesy view. Not bad, but that why it is only second best hospital, not the first. I love to see one of my favourite books adapatation anyway.