• Now streaming on Netflix is Zack Snyder's (Sucker Punch/Dawn of the Dead) follow-up to his mega-opus from last year which wraps up his Seven Samurai homage (poorly constructed theft?) as the heroes make a stand against the evil Galactic Empire, sorry Imperium, on a moon whose people are trained to fight the good fight w/the ultimate clutch between the good Sofia Boutella & evil Ed Skrein taking place on an imperial cruiser. Snyder at the outset never did himself any favors by espousing how 'original' his take on Kurasawa canon was when others like John Sturges & recently Antoine Fuqua managed to take his samurai epic & transplant it to the old West but even if you're argument leans on his melding samurai adventures w/a sci-fi aesthetic, sorry Roger Corman got there first w/1980's Battle Beyond the Stars.