• Meet Elvira (Siobhan Cullen) a normal girl, apart from she's obsessed with death, who has just been accepted for her perfect job as an obituary writer. But she soon finds out that obituary writers don't get paid very well especially in the small town where she lives because not many people die. So Elvira decides to start killing people, but so she doesn't get caught she makes the deaths look like accidents or suicides and only kills people that deserve it.

    I enjoyed this series, because it's funny in a dark way and there are several parts were Elvira nearly gets caught and this adds tension and also sometimes adds to the comedy. But I do think there should have been more murders and at times I did find the series a bit slow.

    The pace of the series also wasn't helped by this side plot where a new reporter (Emerson - Ronan Rafferty) is investigating a mysterious murder that happened 5 years ago. Although this side plot does lead to a good twist at the end I often found it uninteresting.

    Although overall I enjoyed this series and I would happily watch a second series if they made one.