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  • Olivia de Havilland spent most of her post-Oscar years in serious dramas, so it's nice to see her looking so radiantly lovely in a technicolor comedy, enjoying herself in a comedy for a change. Paris is the setting and the color photography is excellent. The slight story concerns de Havilland seeking to prove to her father (Edward Arnold) and a senator and his wife (Adolphe Menjou, Myrna Loy) that American servicemen aren't all wolves and to prove it has a harmless fling with a young G.I. (John Forsythe). Unfortunately, as in all Norman Krasna comedies, plot complications develop before she winds up in Forsythe's arms for an amusing final scene. The cast sparkles with some fine work by de Havilland, Myrna Loy, Adolphe Menjou, Edward Arnold and--in one of his funniest roles--Tom Noonan. Only bad piece of casting is John Forsythe--who looks wooden and uncomfortable throughout with no comic flair whatsoever. Despite this, de Havilland manages to give a spirited performance that won the Belgian Prix Femina for Best Actress in a comedy in '56. Slight but amusing and very watchable.
  • THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER is a generally well made film with a great cast. The story and direction though are uninspired and workman-like and robs the story of any vitality. In more capable hands, this film would have been a charmer but the producers were clearly aiming for average. It just doesn't sparkle as it should be and because the pacing or tone, which should have been lightning fast and sharp for this kind of story, is lackadaisical, this big studio production feels and looks exactly like an episode of THREE'S COMPANY. One that takes place in Paris.

    The great thing about this movie is Myrna Loy. Whenever she's on screen the movie comes alive. Loy, who starred in the great THIN MAN movies, has a knack for delivering light and funny dialogue and her timing here is perfect. She easily eclipses the whole cast, which includes Olivia De Havilland, John Forsythe, Adolphe Menjou, Tommy Noonan! Thank god Myrna was in this film or else it would have been totally forgettable. Well, the location shooting was also great.

    All in all, I enjoyed watching THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER for what it was but it could have been much better, a classic in fact. Now it's just average.
  • This was a very entertaining film from 1956 with some great veteran actors who have had great roles in their careers and this is a rather silly film which seems to go on and on. However, this is a comedy concerning an American Ambassador's Daughter named Joan Fisk, (Olivia De Havilland) who live in France and meets up with a soldier named Danny, (John Forsythe) and Joan is modeling various dresses for an American Red Cross Benefit and Danny becomes very attracted to Joan. Joan does not tell Danny she is the daughter of an American Ambassador and pretends to be a French girl who is a professional model. There are wonderful actors in this film, namely, Myrna Loy, (Mrs. Cartwright); Adolphe Menou, (Sen. Jonathan Cartwright) and Tommy Noonan, (Cpl. Al O'Connor all gave outstanding supporting roles. If you like old time comedy films, this is the film for you.
  • The only reason that Olivia de Havilland agreed to appear in this trifle must have been because it was going to be filmed in Paris where she was living at the time. On the positive side, there are great stars supporting de Havilland such as Edward Arnold, Adolphe Menjou and Myrna Loy, and they are very very good, as is the Star, but negatively speaking, the story has been done many times, but it could have been quite good, if a decent leading man had been engaged - there is no doubt John Forsythe was out of his depth, trying to compete with the players listed above. There were some bright moments of comedy, and it was good to see the Stars having a bit of a romp, but at times it is hard going. As lovely as she is, Olivia was too old for the part, but some of the shots of Paris helped a lot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Norma Krasna has a reputation for being one of the best of Hollywood's script writers, but even he made errors. He was the co-writer, with Groucho Marx, of the tepid play TIME FOR ELIZABETH, which Groucho's fans point at as proof that Groucho had vast literary abilities that he really did not have (based on this play one might say the same about Krasna). THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER was one of Krasna's errors. It was also one of Edward Arnold's final films. One wishes that Arnold's listing of credits had a better one than this silly comedy.

    Arnold is playing Ambassador William Fisk of the United States, who is stationed in Paris. He is currently being host to Senator Jonathan Cartwright (Adolph Menjou) and his wife (Myrna Loy). Cartwright is a cantankerous but smart Senator (somewhat isolationist in sentiments - he voted against the St. Lawrence Seaway, and the only country involved in that with us was Canada!). He served in World War I, and remembers how he and his fellow Doughboys had misbehaved in Paris. So he wants to make Paris off-limits to G.I.s. Ambassador Fisk and his friend General Andrew Harvey (Minor Watson) feel this is unfair, but are trying to diplomatically convince the Senator that his views are too draconian. Aiding her father in the matter is Joan Fisk (Olivia De Haviland) who is currently engaged to an older man (Prince Nicholas Obelski - Francis Lederer).

    The full party are attending an upper class fashion show for charity, which is crashed by two G.I.s: Danny (John Fortsythe) and Al (Tommy Noonan). They start making themselves too visible by mildly ogling some of the young women. When Joan shows up as one of the models, they turn their attention to her. Knowing how Senator Cartwright feels, she decides to make a test of the situation using Danny and Al as guinea pigs. She manipulates Danny into inviting her out on a date (Al is to be sidelined with the assistance of General Harvey). It works too well, of course, as she and Danny fall in love, but Danny believing her to be a French model (or part-time model).

    I won't go any further in the plot. It's a comedy so one can guess the eventual outcome. It is an old kind of plot, with a socially prominent person mistaken for a plebeian type. The cast does try hard to push the material. Arnold is restricted to a few scenes (his appearance shows his aging and it is just possible that his health was beginning to fail). Watson is also in only a few scenes (best with Noonan). Menjou's perfect delivery of lines remains intact. Witness the scene when he has to help keep Noonan incommunicado, and finds that Noonan is on the phone trying to "get some aspirin" (actually trying to speak to Forsythe). When Noonan hangs up and says that he had a slight headache and needed the aspirin, the smart Menjou says, "In that case, you shouldn't have the phone because it will affect your headache", and he has the phone taken out before Noonan can stop him.

    Loy is good in a scene that shows her reminiscing about the courtship by Menjou when they were young. She is trying to show De Haviland that Forsythe's behavior is typical of men's behavior in general (like her husband's). It's a good scene, but it reminds one of a better, briefer scene with Fredric March and Theresa Wright in THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES.

    Forsythe, just starting his career (which included other films like TOPAZ but was mainly on television with DYNASTY and BACHELOR FATHER) gives a good account as a lover. But Noonan really takes acting honors here. He is tagging along with Forsythe for a good time in Paris (precisely what Menjou was warning about) and then finds his hopes for that good time screwed by the test set up by De Haviland, Menjou, and Watson. As he is not the sole target of the test, he has to be controlled, and Watson and Menjou are just the sort to do it. So as the film progresses Noonan gets more and more jittery, to the final part of his performance when he has to race up and down about eight flights of stairs at the Paris Ballet to speak to Forsythe (who took him there) and to Watson, Menjou, Loy, De Haviland, and Arnold. Even as a messenger he is screwed, as he has to report that Forsythe thinks Menjou looked like an old goat (much to Menjou's resentment).

    Finally the real flaw of the film (outside of the story): De Haviland is charming in her role, but she is not a twenty year old or twenty four year old. In fact (as several have pointed out here) she and Loy look like what they really were - contemporaries. Because of his aging, Arnold does look older than De Haviland, but not older like thirty years. One can make a illogical jump (for the purpose of enjoying the film) accepting her as a younger woman. But it is very hard to do so.
  • What were they thinking? This movie's script is terrible (cliche after cliche), and it's doubtful that even appropriate actors could have rescued it. Olivia de Havilland looks about 50 here (Myrna Loy is supposed to be decades older, but they look like contemporaries), rather than the ingenue the role calls for. Compare this to Roman Holiday, made about the same time--a wonderful script, marvelously appropriate actors, and enchanting use of its location. This movie represents the worst of 50's film-making--a huge waste of talent.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two elements noticeably kept "The Ambassador's Daughter" from becoming a classic: Norman Krasna's uninspired direction and Olivia de Havilland's age. I've always enjoyed Krasna's writing, finding it charming, witty, and slightly subversive. The script for this movie carries all of the "Krasna touch", but none of this is apparent from the lifeless direction. As a result, jokes were held too long, the actors stood around looking uncomfortable in long-shots, and it wavered between sharp social satire and frothy romantic comedy, touching neither elements successfully. As a result, Olivia de Havilland appears a bit out of place as a 40 year old woman, for the plot and direction kept trying to palm her off as someone 15 years younger.

    Granted, de Havilland was beautiful and elegant, but she brought too much maturity and groundedness to the type of character who launch such a harebrained scheme and lead John Forsyth on a merry chase across Paris. I would have believed her portrayal of Joan had she been written as a widow or longtime spinster devoted to her father, rather than a sparkling, youngish role in which Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, or Jean Simmons could have filled without a hitch. The rest of the cast gives a game performance, though as stated above, the direction really did them a disservice. Really wasted was Myrna Loy, who was only 10-12 years older than Olivia de Havilland, and was much too luminous and witty to be stuck in such a small part!

    However, the main issue I had with this film was its inability to make up its mind. By the second half of the film, de Havilland and Forsyth are obviously very smitten, but a series of contrivances keep them apart. I also found the outrageous matchmaking mind-boggling, considering that de Havilland's character clearly had a fiancé (underused Francis Lederer) who we know nothing about to make us believe he is wrong for de Havilland. Ultimately, the direction, flat jokes, and under-written script leaves this a classic-that-could-have-been, and is a dull point in Krasna's long and celebrated career.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What I learned about the fascinating Paris sewer system was easily the best part of this film. Unfortunately that scene lasts for about 2 minutes. The rest of the film just seemed flat, dull, limp.

    The production values of this film are the next best thing. It is, indeed, a Technicolor treat to the eyes. The women's costumes are lovely. The sets are also nice. However, the director is totally clue-less about the artistic use of a camera or a soundtrack.

    Much of this film lacks background music. This lack of comedy-mood-setting music is devastating because this story is not inherently funny, and the only member of the cast that has a sense of comedy (or really has any funny lines) is Tom Noonan. So whatever comedy is there, is undermined by the lack of an appropriate soundtrack. There are a couple of scenes when we hear some ambient, "street" music - the predictable Parisian accordion, and the completely unexpected Breton bagpipes droning in an over-packed Eiffel Tower elevator - preposterous and rude, but not funny! There is also music, of course at the ballet, where the scenes are photographed in a totally static, pedestrian, uncreative way. However, background piano or light string music is conspicuously absent in the charity fashion show scenes. And transitional scenes such as Forsythe's walking along a street toward the airline ticket office are music- less. Without music, such scenes contribute nothing to the erstwhile "comedy" atmosphere of the film. Instead, they are just flat plot devices. The entire film is similarly flawed, leaving it to the actors, themselves, to convey the comedy. Unfortunately none of these actors is up to the task.

    The plot is a lot like Clash of the Titans - a mythical melodrama! But instead of Greek gods testing the character of a "mortal," here we have a senator, a general and the U.S. ambassador to France testing the character of a U.S. serviceman in Paris. Except for Noonan, the cast plays this movie like a Greek tragedy. Noonan is a little more restrained than usual, although he still seems very hammy because his role is in such stark contrast to the rest of the cast. He seems like he is performing in a completely different movie.

    The repetitious wallet-losing has potential for comedy that is totally lost. The first instance sets off a heated accusation-and-denial confrontation between Forsythe and DeHavilland. After such heat, it is so suddenly and easily dismissed that it is very awkward. It is not simply a lost opportunity for comedy, but it's unreal. When the wallet is lost a second time, while DeHavilland and Forsythe are at a nightclub, the comedy is supposed to be conveyed by the two actors yukking it up with stage laughter. DeHavilland's predictable line, "I didn't steal it" is supposed to be the cause of such belly-laughing for them (and presumably for us). Sadly, the line would have been only moderately humorous had it been well delivered.

    The nightclub has another lost opportunity for comedy. Instead of ending in a funny encounter between Forsythe, the club host and the gendarmes, it is a mere plot device - everybody playing it straight - most polite, gracious and sincere!

    What one commentator mistakenly calls the final scene is actually the penultimate scene. It is admittedly one of the better scenes AND (coincidentally) one of the few with soundtrack music to help set the mood! (This scene WOULD have made for a nice ending, but the director is too heavy-handed for that. So in a totally superfluous scene tacked onto the end, we see Bride DeHavilland and Groom Forsythe, with the rest of the cast kneeling in a cathedral before a priest during what is obviously their wedding ceremony.)

    Olivia DeHavilland is, as several commentators have noted, hopelessly miscast. She is not only too old, but comic delivery is a part of her craft that totally eludes her.

    John Forsythe, likewise has no sense of comedy or comic timing. He plays his role almost exactly the same as Harry Hamlin portrayed Perseus in Clash of the Titans!

    Menjou, who I usually enjoy, delivers a very unfunny performance as the senator. The senator is (unbelievably!) a tightwad. His touching of DeHavilland's face at the ballet is not only unsporting, but also offensive. His character is very unsympathetic, if not downright despicable - and definitely NOT funny. And the lip service paid to penny-pinching is not ever comical.

    Myrna Loy... WHY? She is another one of my faves, but here she seems bereft of energy. She seems rather wistful or even sad when attempting to discuss the Prince with Menjou or offering "motherly" advice to DeHavilland. Then her scene with Forsythe at the ballet is definitely NOT funny. She tells Forsythe that she was in the presence of Menjou when he struck "a woman" (HA-HA! Now THAT'S hilarious! I wonder who she meant? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge! )

    The general is a mere functionary, and Edward Arnold almost a non-entity.

    Finally, there is DeHavilland's fiancé, the Prince. What was he doing in this film? He has about 3 "straight" lines, and the rest of the time he strains to sit around looking "princely." He provides no conflict with Forsythe or resistance to DeHavilland's leaving him. He is a totally superfluous "prop!"

    I never felt any chemistry among ANY of the cast members. Consequently, I was pretty indifferent to their respective fates. They all seemed to be actors delivering lines and receiving a paycheck at the end of the day. I suspect each one of them regards this film as a personal embarrassment. The plot is weak, the lines weaker. The cinematography is totally unimaginative, wasting some nice sets. The direction is clue-less. The acting is uninspired, failing to strike the right tone. And the lack of a good soundtrack is the nail in the coffin of this cadaver. Lifeless.
  • When Olivia DeHavilland played the title role in The Ambassador Daughter you have to ask yourself what in the world was she doing with parts that Audrey Hepburn should have played if she wanted it?

    Back of course in her salad days at Warner Brothers, Olivia would have definitely had a part like this, Jack Warner would have seen to it. Back in those days I could see her being cast with Errol Flynn as the young soldier. Of course back then there was no North Atlantic Treaty Organization and no American soldiers stationed in Europe. But that's indeed another story.

    John Forsythe is the young GI here and he's being used as a guinea pig in an experiment concocted by United States Senator Adolphe Menjou who's deeply concerned about the behavior of our GIs on leave in Paris. I sure hope Menjou's constituents were watching this movie and sent him packing post haste after the next election. Edward Arnold as the U.S. Ambassador to France and General Minor Watson are all in on this foolishness. This was Arnold's last film, not a good way to exit.

    Myrna Loy has a supporting part as Menjou's wife and she at least keeps a dignified front. What a shame that two giant cinema icons like Loy and DeHavilland should do this piece ridiculous fluff in their only joint screen effort.
  • It is certainly not true that because a film has as its central character a female protagonist that it must be a "woman's picture". But in an era when the novel market in cheap-minded fiction seems hopelessly divided between mindless male violent thrillers and mindless female Gothic romanciful fantasies, the viewer must expect this debate to spill over into films. Fortunately for moviegoers, as late as the 1950s, films such as "The Ambassador's Daughter" were still being made and these were films with enough realistic characters, intelligent dialogue and interesting action to please adult viewers. This is a very fine script indeed by veteran writer-director Norman Krasna. It was directed very ably and beautifully mounted. The noteworthy cast included Edward Arnold, Myrna Loy, Adolph Menjou, Frances Lederer, Tommy Noonan plus Olivia de Havilland and John Forsythe as the romantic leads. The setting is postwar Paris, and the sets are beautiful to behold. This is a film about upper crust folk; and as such we are treated to costumes by Christian Dior, impeccable lighting and gorgeous art direction. But the fact that these are members of the wealthy set does not stop the scriptwriters from devising lively and challenging involvements for all. The very good idea for the story involves de Havvilland trying to prove to her ambassador father, professionally and personally worried about such matters, that all French-based American soldiers are not "wolves". She picks on Forsythe to prove her point--and discovers she may have picked too well for her own safety, since she finds herself falling for the shy G.I. Arnold and Loy are particularly good, Menjou is his usual charming self; and de Havilland is superb. Only Forsythe seems a bit low-voltage, as he sometimes did early in his career, before "The Trouble With Harry". The film's technical elements, such as lighting, sets, art direction and all else provide the usual first-rate MGM realization. The color is lovely as well, adding to the gemlike quality of this underrated and very intelligent comedy. In an era devoted to Medieval character flaws, misbehaviors and irresponsible folk floundering in a sea of surrealistic bad writing and worse thinking, this earlier work stands out as a cinematic delight, one to be watched many times over.
  • Simply miserable film starring Olivia de Havilland as the daughter of the American ambassador to France. The trouble is that Edward Arnold, the ambassador, and the visiting senator Adolphe Menjou have very little to do in this hopeless film.

    It's basically the story of an engaged woman who meets a soldier by chance and the two engage in a whirlwind romance throughout Paris. Tommy Noonan as the friend of John Forsythe, the guy who courts de Havilland, and Myrna Loy, as the senator's wife, are both unable to salvage a poorly written film.

    At age 39, Miss de Havilland was way too old for the part.

    The story is nonsensical at best and Forsythe confusing de Havilland as a kept woman of the older Menjou is not written up to the hilt as it should have been.

    A shame that such a talented cast of thespians were wasted on this nonsense.
  • Excruciating romantic comedy wherein the romance is applied by cutting to close-ups of star Olivia de Havilland gazing at her G.I. with stars in her eyes while the comedy never happens because this is hermetically-sealed 1956 and people were, of course, respectable! Olivia is out to prove to her Ambassador father that not all soldiers are "muckers" (or, wolves); she makes a date with soldier John Forsythe under the guise of a French model (!) while Forsythe's chatty buddy (who sounds like he's auditioning for a cartoon voice-over job) gets chummy with a senator and his wife. This may be the worst role eternally clean-cut Forsythe ever got; his pushy Sgt. Sullivan has a confrontation with every person he talks to. Perhaps writer-director Norman Krasna thought the sergeant should be intense and humorless--the exact opposite of randy--but Forsythe ends up looking like a deer in the headlights. Misguided effort is 'plushy' but contains not a single laugh or engaging character (although Myrna Loy tries). It looks good in widescreen but the script is a piece of lead, insulting to everyone from French fan dancers to bagpipe players to horny American G.I.s who can't even take in a show without arguing with the maître d' over their restaurant cover charge. * from ****
  • De Havilland made this movie when she was 40 when the role demanded someone about half that age, After all, she was supposed to be appealing to a young soldier stationed in Europe after WW II.

    Then, there was the problem of miscasting John Forsythe, who was a handsome sophisticated man of 38 at the time, not a young gullible GI capable of being manipulated into the comedic situation of this movie.

    Even as a young boy, I found John Forsythe to be too sophisticated for the TV sitcom, Bachelor Father where he was Kelly's womanizing uncle rather than anything that resembled a father figure to me. Forsythe seems to have found a home on TV in roles like To Rome with Love, Charlie's Angels, and especially, Dynasty. It always seemed to me that he was born handsome and sophisticated.

    This movie did bring together some old actors from Hollywood's Golden Age: Myrna Loy and Adolphe Menjou (as a couple???) and Edward Arnold as the American Ambassador and father of de Havilland.

    In the final analysis, this movie, made in Paris during the mid 50s, seemed more like a series of fashion shows in search of a situation comedy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The 1 star rating is for the DVD which may be the worst I've ever seen, and my first DVD was the original "Blade Runner" release. The print is sadly faded and filthy--scratched, blotched, lined. It jumps, it skips, it ripples, it does everything but the hokey-pokey. Even worse, this early Cinemascope release (2.55) is given a full screen presentation so every blemish is emphasized. Even panned and scanned would've been an improvement. Instead all we're given is the center of the ultra-widescreen image at all times. The result being that in most scenes part or all of the speakers are off screen and sometimes the featured action as well, while most of the image is left empty. Beware Education 2000, who released this abomination--they have no regard whatsoever for their product. If you want it, and it does have its charms however slight, get it off TCM. Their print is lbx'd and in good condition.
  • jjnxn-118 October 2012
    Frothy bit of fluff but with a great deal of charm. The entire cast are expert comedians excepting Forsythe but his role is really that of the straight man anyway.

    This was Myrna Loy's first supporting role after years in the star spot but while she is clearly secondary her skillful presence keeps her in mind even when she is off-screen. Tommy Noonan is most amusing as Forsythe's befuddled pal, his gauche hayseed with a good heart makes a nice counterpoint to the sophistication of the other players.

    Shot entirely in Paris with clothes by Dior this is a chic soufflé of the type that Hollywood has no idea how to make anymore.
  • This movie was released in 1956, right in the middle of Hollywood's decade-long fascination with Paris. It was a fascination ignited by the critical and financial success of An American in Paris (MGM 1951), and then stoked by such films as

    April in Paris ( Warner Bros. 1952), Moulin Rouge (20th Century Fox 1952), Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (20th Century Fox 1954), The Last Time I Saw Paris (MGM 1954), Sabrina (Paramount 1954), Funny Face (Paramount 1957), The Sun Also Rises (20th Century Fox 1957), Love in the Afternoon (United Artists 1957), Gigi (MGM 1958), Paris Holiday (Tolda 1958), Can Can (20th Century Fox 1960), Paris Blues (Pennebaker 1961), Charade (Universal 1963), Irma la douce (MGM 1963), A New Kind of Love (Paramount 1963), Paris When it Sizzles (1964).

    Unfortunately, this movie adds nothing to that generally very distinguished and successful list. (Paris Holiday is a bomb, yes.)

    Others have recounted the plot, so I won't repeat that. Since this movie is about a group of non-Parisians living in Paris, it never really engages with its setting. It could just as soon have taken place in Vienna, or Rome, or ...

    Little thought seems to have been put into the production. The plot is worked out at the end, which takes place in the iconographic Garnier Opera House during a performance of Swan Lake. With a wealth of operas and ballets from which to choose, Krasna picked the Tchaikovsky warhorse for no apparent reason, because he makes no effort to tie what is going on on stage to what is going on in the boxes and corridors (the plot, such as it is).

    There's nothing really wrong with this movie, it's just that it's not very interesting. A cast this good should have been given a far better script.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of those 1950's romantic comedies that, judged by 21st Century standards, just doesn't work. Not that it doesn't have its charms. Watching this film is akin to drinking cheap champagne. As Tommy Noonan finds out, it doesn't taste very good going down, but all champagne will make you happily dizzy if you drink enough of it. Every now and then you hear a clever line delivered in a clever manner. Every now and then you see an actor sparkle. And every now and then you get to see Paris. Ahh, Paris. Has there ever been a movie that made you look ugly?

    The major problem is the miscasting of the two leads. Olivia de Havilland and John Forsythe were both around forty when they made this. So many young actors of that era would have been perfect for these roles and just might have saved this work. Tommy Noonan, also a bit too old, is a funny guy and he has a few good bits in the movie, but he's a certain type of funny. Even allowing for the fact that he's an outsider, his method of comic acting clashes with the general level of sophisticated wit that, one assumes, was intended. But at least he can do funny. John Forsythe, whose dry approach was perfect for "The Trouble With Harry" failed miserably in the humor department in this movie. Of the rest, Myrna Loy stands out. She always seems to twinkle no matter what film she's in.

    There are lack of logic elements that make one unexpectedly chuckle for the wrong reason. The musicians boarding the elevator to go up the Eiffel Tower and the choir boys descending on that same elevator. The whole concept of Forsythe really believing that de Havilland is a Dior model. And then there's the fiancé! Good Lord! Why was he even in the movie? I laughed out loud when I saw him sitting in the first pew during the Wedding scene. As if.

    One scene in the movie brightened my day. It brought back an old, old memory. The M.C. at the nightclub was singing a French song that I heard Maurice Chevalier sing in an I Love Lucy episode. And then Ricky sang it in Spanish followed by Little Ricky singing it in English. I believe the song is called Valentine. Charming little tune. I only wish I could say "The Ambassador's Daughter" was a charming little movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This so-called comedy seems an over-abundance of smugness that thrives on the mistaken belief that its all-star cast and intelligent screenplay will rise above pretentiousness. There's actually very little in the way of humor and story, a weak plot about two American women who pretend to be French in order to see how two American soldiers on leave will treat them. Olivia de Havilland is the titled character, daughter of ambassador Adolph Menjou who is engaged to the French Francis Lederer but sets her beret for the more appealing John Forsythe. Her sidekick? None other than Myrna Loy, still stunning and every inch the scene-stealer, managing to get laughs where there are none. De Havilland is too dry for modern comedy and seems miscast opposite the dashing Forsythe. Edward Arnold is still hanging on as Loy' s stuffy husband while Tommy Noonan fights for laughs as the other soldier.

    The snail paced screenplay with allegedly smart dialog is actually extremely highbrow, a dangerous quality for the mid 1950's. Many shots of Parisian tourist spots, while always lovely to look at, end up a detriment to the film as a whole. In spite of some matronly outfits, Loy ends up looking more appealing and younger than the leading lady who had lost much of her appeal at this point in her career. De Havilland doesn't succeed in the type of roles that Jane Wyman was raking in huge success at the box office at the same time.
  • (1956) The Ambassador's Daughter DRAMA/ ROMANCE

    Co-produced, written and directed by Norman Krasna with the set up that has daughter, Joan Fisk (Olivia De Havilland) of a wealthy dignitary making a bet with the general, Andrew Harvey (Minor Watson) and the senator, Jonathan Cartwright (Adolphe Menjou) assumptions on a sergeant (Bill Forsythe) who is on leave, with of course, a predictable ending. Although, I had already knew what the end result was going to be, the real question was what is it going to do to sustain my interest on the center. And as far I know it just doesn't do anything since it contains a lot of cliche jibberish! It does hold some interesting references about what army men used to do during their shore leave, but that is probably it! And as much as I love seeing two- time Oscar winner Olivia De Havilland act on films- this film doesn't really challenge her performance enough, which is like any other actress that can do !
  • The setting for "The Ambassador's Daughter" is 1946 Paris - the year after the end of World War II. American forces are in France helping with recovery from the war. A visiting American Senator wants to make Paris off-limits to GIs on leave. He and his wife come to visit and they stay at the American embassy. The ambassador is a widower whose single daughter helps him handle visiting dignitaries as well as represent the embassy and America in civic events and social affairs. She is engaged to a European prince. Two older GIs weasel their way into a charity benefit show in a swanky hotel. The ambassador's daughter is one of the volunteer guest models. When she catches the eye of Sgt. Danny Sullivan, the lives of all them are in for an interesting time in this very funny, sophisticated comedy.

    This movie has a wonderful cast of prominent actors of the day. Olivia de Havilland is Joan Fisk, the multi-lingual daughter of the Ambassador William Fisk. Edward Arnold plays that role superbly. One of the best supporting actors in Hollywood history, Arnold always seemed natural before the camera, no matter what role he played. John Forsythe is perfect as a strait-laced NCO who is a trained engineer and educated man. Confident on the outside, he is shy with women. Adolphe Menjou, who had many leading roles in silent and early sound pictures, is just right as the gruff U.S. Senator Jonathan Cartwright. And, Myrna Loy is marvelous as Mrs. Cartwright. She provides much of the comedy in the film including a hilarious scenario toward the end with Sgt. Sullivan.

    The rest of the cast are very good. Tommy Noonan is Sgt. Sullivan's GI buddy. The credits list him as Corporal Al O'Connor, but his uniform clearly shows the rank of Pfc (private first class). Minor Watson plays Lt. Gen. Andrew Harvey very well. And Francis Lederer is good as Prince Nicholas Obelski. As a bonus in this film, two outstanding members of the Paris Opera Ballet perform scenes from Swan Lake at the ballet. Michel Renault is the danseur and Claude Bessy is the Ballerina.

    The biggest criticism of this film has to do with the ages of the male and female leads. Olivia de Havilland was 39 when filming began and 40 when the movie came out. John Forsythe was 38. Had the film been made in 1946, their ages wouldn't have been an issue. And, one can question why they should be an issue at all. Both were playing people a few years younger - in their early to mid 30s. There were any number of GIs that age who had been serving a few years in the war. The ambassador was a widower in his early 60s. His daughter had considerable schooling and was fluent in at least two languages besides English. So, what such young woman still single, wouldn't want to live and work with her widower father who was the U.S. Ambassador - especially in Paris?

    So, all of the age arguments aside, one should just consider this film as it is. Of course the plot is somewhat outlandish. But that's what makes for the great comedy here. The humor really ramps up toward the end, with the final scene a real hoot. This is a comedy older and mature movie buffs will especially enjoy as well as anyone who enjoys earlier films. It's a very funny, sophisticated film. One sad note was the death of Edward Arnold on April 26 - three months before the movie came out. He was 66 years old.

    Here are some favorite lines from this film.

    French Policeman, "May we drop you off at your hotel, monsieur?" Sgt. Danny Sullivan, "Oh, please don't bother." Policeman, "Oh, it's no bother - we are going that way." Sgt. Sullivan, "How do you know which way I'm going? Policeman, "Whichever way you are going is our way." Sgt. Sullivan, shaking his head, "The boys are never going to believe this."

    Mrs. Cartwright, "Did you see her kiss him and call him father?" Senator Cartwright, "Who?" Mrs. Cartwright, "When Joan kissed the prince, she called him father." Senator, "What of it?" Mrs. Cartwright, "I never kissed you and mistook you for your father." Senator, "That was hardly possible. My father had a beard like a hedgehog."

    Senator Cartwright,, "Now listen, Mrs. Cupid, no more of that. The time you thought the queen of England ought to have an American husband was all I wanted of your match-making. Churchill swallowed his cigar."

    Mrs. Cartwright, "She thinks the prince is her father. I just don't think it's healthy, that's all."

    Mrs. Cartwright, "Pride's a wonderful thing. But it doesn't warm you on a cold wintery night." Joan Fisk, "I have an electric blanket." Mrs. Cartwright, "It won't be the father of your children."

    Mrs. Cartwright, pretending to be the French employer of Joan as a model, "You know what we call her? Sgt. Sullivan, "What?" Mrs. Cartwright, "Miss Iron-pants." Sgt. Sullivan, "Miss Iron-pants?"

    Mrs. Cartwright, still pretending to be the French employer of Joan as a model, "I like American soldiers." Sgt. Sullivan, "Thank you."

    Mrs. Cartwright, "He has a way with women." Sgt. Sullivan, "That old goat?" Mrs. Cartwright, "He's a rich old goat. She's a poor chicken. And you can wear away a rock by dropping water on it." Sgt. Sullivan, "Is that what he's doing?"

    Mrs. Cartwright, "Drop, drop, drop. That's how he got his wife." Sgt. Sullivan, "He's married?" Mrs. Cartwright, "And has three children." Sgt. Sullivan, "Does she know that?" Mrs. Cartwright,, "What can she do? Drop, drop, drop."

    Mrs. Cartwright, "I was present once in the very room when he struck a woman." Sgt. Sullivan, "He hits women?"

    Joan Fisk, "You offered to marry me. I accept." Sgt. Sullivan, "I take it back." Joan, "Oh, it's too late. I accept you."
  • ...Americans in a foreign land, goofy friend character, lovingly shooting the metropolitan city setting ("it's like a CHARACTER!"), light stakes, mild laughs, and a bevy of lies and misunderstandings that inevitably lead to an unlikely romance. Far from terrible (and ripe for a remake), but man is it hard to remember much about it, even after having just watched it.
  • "The Ambassador's Daughter" sports an impressive cast, though the film itself isn't especially good. It's a shame, as I really wanted to like it.

    The story is about a budding romance between an army sergeant (John Forsythe) and the daughter of the US Ambassador to France (Olivia de Havilland). When they meet, he has no idea who she is and she pretends to be French. Later, they start to fall in love but through a bazillion misunderstandings they part...and it's not amicably. Is there any hope for this budding romance? And, more importantly, should we care?!

    The film should have been better. But the film suffers for several reasons and it's not a film I'd especially recommend. First, and certainly not the biggest problem, is that Miss de Havilland is too old and matronly for the role she plays. She's good here but just seems wrong for the part. Second, and MUCH more importantly, the misunderstandings the plot is built on are too many...and EASILY could have been straightened out if the characters simply talked to each normal human beings WOULD do in this situation. Because of this, the film seems like it's been stretched out WAY too long and becomes a bit tiresome after a while. All in all, a waste of some talent though the film is colorful and at least looks nice.
  • This movie features a lovely fashion show presented in a high-class Paris restaurant. If you are an aficionado of '50's couture, you will love this part of the movie. Otherwise, I can think of no reason to watch it.

    Olivia de Havilland is way out of her depth as an "ingenue" (to say nothing of being way too old for this part) and Forsythe pretty much phones it in. Myrna Loy is my absolute favorite actress ever but even she cannot bring much light or warmth to her part. She makes for a rather dull Senator's wife sad to say.

    I stopped watching this movie about half-way through so I cannot comment further on it except to say it was very boring.
  • In romantic Paris, girlish Ambassador's daughter Olivia de Havilland (as Joan Fisk) entertains dignified Myrna Loy, the wife of visiting US Senator Adolphe Menjou (as Jonathan Cartwright). While modeling "Christian Dior" clothing, Ms. De Havilland attracts handsome young American servicemen John Forsythe (as Daniel "Danny" Sullivan) and finds herself invited to dinner. Though American, and engaged to a French man, de Havilland decides to go out with Mr. Forsythe and pose as a French model. She wants to prove, "The American enlisted man is not a mucker" (defined in my search as "a rough or coarse person")...

    Since we know how this story will end, the fun is in seeing how the couple gets there - but there isn't much fun to be had. Norman Krasna provides his star with a big, colorful landscape. The screen is filled sometimes, most strikingly with feather-fanned strippers; however, this plays more like an anomaly with this cast. At the end of the 1940s, de Havilland had become one of filmdom's most respected, awarded and admired dramatic actresses - here, she seems to be going backwards. Alas, roles for women after age 20 were not plentiful and the competition for the few good scripts was fierce. At least we have Paris...

    ***** The Ambassador's Daughter (7/26/56) Norman Krasna ~ Olivia de Havilland, John Forsythe, Myrna Loy, Adolphe Menjou
  • The screenplay is quite derivative and obviously inspired by "Roman Holiday" ; but what is really glowing is Olivia De Havilland's love for France ; the great actress spent years and years in Paris and the country had become her second homeland where she died in 2020,a centenarian..

    This trite story is full of joie de vivre : it opens with the old march from the Sun King's reign "Auprès De Ma Blonde " (which is sung by boy scouts on the Eiffel Tower afterwards) , the dialog is full of French lines , the songs include Maurice chevalier's "Valentine "and De Havilland and her co-star Forsythe dance to Charles Trénet 's "l'âme des poètes" ;there's even a night at the opera where they attend "the Swan lake" ballet with danseuse-étoile Claude Bessy .And the young GI loses his wallet in the "blue Pigalle "(ooh la la!)

    And they wanted to deprive the enlisted men of the gai paris ? Of les Folies Bergères and Le Lido ? Of the Parisian models the GIs compare to caviar .

    It goes without saying that it's not Miss de Havilland 's best and not even among her best ,but she was a wonderful guide for the Americans of yore ( nowadays, they come to Europa en masse ,but in the fifties ,for most of them it was only a dream to see Paris ),in the times before the General de Gaulle withdrew his country from NATO .

    The ending is totally implausible ,but call it Olivia's Parisian holiday ;after all the great movies she made with Curtiz, Huston, Fleming (of course!) ,Leisen ,Wyler ,et al ,she did deserve it.